North Falls targeted consultation

Now closed for comments

This targeted consultation closed at 23:59 on 22 April 2024
The information on this page was correct at the time of publishing (April 2024).
We would encourage you to register for updates to keep informed about the Project.

Since the close of the Project’s statutory consultation in July 2023, the proposed DCO application for North Falls has continued to develop. This has resulted in the need for a further stage of targeted consultation on updated proposals following localised changes to the Project’s onshore PEIR boundary. These localised changes result in additional land being included in the proposed DCO boundary.

The reasons for these proposed localised changes relate to the engineering and construction of the Project’s onshore electrical connection, as well as the safety of road users during construction and feedback received from our previous consultations.

Your views are important to us, which is why we are holding this further stage of consultation and giving you the opportunity to provide feedback on the updates we’re proposing.

What are we consulting on?

This targeted consultation was focused on proposed localised changes to the Project’s onshore PEIR boundary. References for further information are outlined in the table below. You can also view all of our updated proposals in more detail on the interactive map.

View interactive map


Certain terms are written in green throughout this website and in our brochure. Explanations of these terms are included in an online glossary.

View glossary
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Additional land required at National Grid Electricity Transmission’s (NGET) proposed substation site, the East Anglia Connection Node (the Project’s National Grid Connection Point), to align with land ownership boundaries.

View overview map

10 locations where we require additional land to make localised changes to the onshore PEIR boundary to accommodate the onshore cable corridor at Little Clacton Road, south of Walton Road, north of Tendring Road, and between Barlon Road and Spratts Lane, as well as access to temporary construction haul roads.

View Permanent Works View Temporary Works

14 locations where we’ve identified access points for operating and maintaining the onshore electrical connection throughout the Project’s lifespan (hereafter referred to as ‘O&M access points’).

View O&M Access Points

Inclusion of 11 construction traffic visibility splays, where we need a wider area of hedgerow adjustment to meet the requirements of road safety audits and the current proposals for construction access points, allowing safe movement of traffic between the public highway and the onshore cable corridor.

View visibility splays information

12 proposed locations of temporary construction compounds (TCCs).

View Temporary Construction Compounds

Improvements and widening of Bentley Road to facilitate the Project’s construction, as well as potential use of Bentley Road for maintenance during the Project’s operational lifespan.

View Bentley Road Improvements

Consultation menu

Read our consultation materials by clicking on the links below or by using the navigation bar at the top of the page.

Fly-through video of the onshore cable corridor

Yellow box
Onshore PEIR boundary (as of July 2023)
Red outline box
Proposed onshore DCO boundary (as of March 2024)

Do you want to keep up to date?

Please register your contact details with us if you would like to be kept informed about our project.